LMB (Leaves My Body) is the new parfum extrait released by Chris Rusak in October, 2021. It was announced as “AEOOJ extrait,” which refers to a previous release which was called After Every Ounce of Joy (Leaves My Body), commonly referred to as AEOOJ.
Bittersweet Part Two: struggling and moving forward
Continued discussion about selling my friend’s perfume collection after he died suddenly in December, 2019.
PHI Une Rose de Kandahar from Tauer Perfumes
I vaguely recall buying Une Rose de Kandahar a few years ago. I hadn’t thought about it in a long time when I retrieved it from my shelf. I couldn’t really remember wearing this, or even the discussions we had had about it. I enjoy rose fragrances, so I hoped I would be reunited with something that I had once loved.
Nin-Shar from Jul et Mad Paris
Soooo…. the last time I posted a review, I was praising myself for my consistency. Having set a goal to plow through some reviews of rose perfumes from my collection,…
Thanksgiving 2020 – What I’m Wearing – Chris Rusak Relief + Aftelier Chocolate and Saffron Body Oil
For the night before Thanksgiving, I wore a decadent combination of Chris Rusak’s Relief and Aftelier Chocolate Saffron Body Oil. I wrote about the two scents, and what I’m thankful for this year.
Smile & Shine from The Zoo – Fragrance Review
Smile & Shine is not something that I would have ever purchased for myself; my forest witch/eldritch librarian aesthetic doesn’t support much sunny citrus. But it is a bit of technical wizardry, which makes it interesting to me, and remarkable enough to write about. I’m a fangirl of Christophe Laudamiel, precisely because of things like this perfume.
Relief from Chris Rusak Perfume – Fragrance Review
Like Perfume Nostradamus, Chris Rusak has once again delivered the timeliest of remedies. At the end of April, we got After Every Ounce of Joy (Leaves My Body), a reflection on trauma that was deeply introspective and affecting.
Our collective trauma has only intensified in the six months since. Now, when everything else in the world feels so complex and heavy, Rusak gives us Relief, his new studio limited release. A perfume for pure enjoyment, for conjuring moments of beauty and ease.