French Fragrance, Limited Release Fragrance

Kyoto from Diptyque – Perfume Review

Kyoto is a limited edition EdT released by Diptyque in 2021 as part of its “Grand Tour” 6oth Birthday celebration collection. The perfumer is Alexandra Carlin.

I love a good rose perfume, but I have a lot of them. Too many, in fact. Last year I bought Eau Capitale anyway, and while it’s charming, I rarely wear it because I just have too many great perfumes to choose from. In the past year, I’ve become quite satisfied with what I have (aside from the excess of it all), and rather disinterested in things that are new. The volume and pace of new perfume releases has me jaded and skeptical. I’ll admit that I was only interested in Kyoto because the notes list mentions beetroot.

Fragrance Review, Indie Fragrance, U.S. Fragrance

Relief from Chris Rusak Perfume – Fragrance Review

Like Perfume Nostradamus, Chris Rusak has once again delivered the timeliest of remedies. At the end of April, we got After Every Ounce of Joy (Leaves My Body), a reflection on trauma that was deeply introspective and affecting.

Our collective trauma has only intensified in the six months since. Now, when everything else in the world feels so complex and heavy, Rusak gives us Relief, his new studio limited release. A perfume for pure enjoyment, for conjuring moments of beauty and ease.